Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cali - Defender Of The Univese

Next thursday 18/10, we empty out the store to make way for a special event called "Voltron SUPERHERO MASQUERADE".

It's going down just like it sounds; a masquerade with superhero theme! Wear your best superhero outfit and help us celebrate the Reebok sneakercollection based on the Voltron series.

A lot of freaked and colourful sneakers will be released this evening. We supply the noodles & beer and the Team SkiDoo guys play great music! The doors open at 19.00 and the party will continue to 22.00.

Osa at:

More info here.

The same night, we will also hold a competition, where the winner can walk away as the happy owner of a Playstation 3 gaming system and the new Ratchet & Clank game! You will also be able to test-play the game this evening! Hurry up and RVSP!