Legendary skate/surf graphic artist Craig Stecyk is the latest man to collaborate with Nike SB on a design for the Blazer model. Craig is as close to a god in the skate game as one can get. He started his career designing surfboards in the very early 70´s and went on to start the surf/skate shop that started it all in the 70's. The Zephyr store in Venice California that he co-founded with Zephyr and Jeff Ho, would later be the base for skaters such as Tony Alva, Stacy Perallta and all other Z-Boys. Craig is also the father of the Pigs and Crossbones graffiti wich togheter with the Dogtown cross probebly is the most known skate designs of all time!
The Blazer will be instore and online this Saturday 18/10, 12,00.