Todays currency converter looks like this:
If you buy a pair of sneakers thats like 1000 sek , that equals:
-85 Euro ca.. or 110 USD.. Thats like a huuuge discount!!
So take advantage and buy for cheap while our Swedish Krona plungers into recession.
(disclaimer; we´re still doing pretty good as a store on top of things.. so dont worry..)
And if your´re swedish; you´re propably not even noticing this thing, as prices in sek are still the same!!
Swe: Japp allt är som förut, samma priser, bara det att sköna kunder utomlands kan med sina valutor shoppa lite billigare än tidigare!
Dagens matte lektion är härmed avklarad.
ENG: Today´s math lesson is now over, pleace proceed your happy shopping spree at Caliroots.com!!