This was done by the super brains at IDG site/magazine Internetworld.
We took place 98. Next year we aim higher..

Köp Nu-Betala nästa år!
ojoj OJ, precis så bra är det: Köp nu - Betala 31:a Januari 2010. Helt RÄNTEFRITT!!
This means, its now as easy to search for products and sizes, as when you do it with a normal search!! But its only showing results within our webshop ofcourse..
For example: try to write in: "nike airmax1 +Us 11", then push "search the Shop!" button, and voila: you got the selection of all Air Max1´s in your size!!
Yup, multiple words, frases and sizes now is only a very easy search away!
These are just some improvements.. more to come...
Have a nice weekend, and dont forget to check out the freshest updates at the