So we started the day with a breakfast for champions at the Standard, 40s lined up.. LA style.
Whats this.. another past-Vegas gathering? Jay man of BKRW, Scotty Ill, HS-David and our Pacman man in the works. As you can see we all are trying to get what shade there is.. it was a hot and sunny day.. we northerners like!!
Supreme/Vans Syndicate Love.
And the Supreme dog watching out for biters..
We´re glad they we´re open..
Then over the street to Nima and Ricks Freshjive X Book store. Thans for the showing of that old tripped out Dennis Hopper movie!!

Lot of nice House33 artwork on the walls .. check back on Caliroots later this spring when we land in that special FJ X House collection!
Nima..dont worry, your hair is the best! Hippie Luv n hugs!
Wish we could take more on board the flight..
Toys Exhibit at Munky Toy store

Of course we couldnt resist the usual stop at our LA jewllery of choice: Nancy! I love when you call me "Honey"
Then the rounds further down the Melrose...Fatbeats..
Nima..dont worry, your hair is the best! Hippie Luv n hugs!
The back necks of the Union-Stussy-UNDFTD stores are always a nice look.. The Billboard this time showing Terrys Xmas picks.. and then the yardsale of nice ol junk.
Of course we couldnt resist the usual stop at our LA jewllery of choice: Nancy! I love when you call me "Honey"