Nike SB Drop at Caliroots.com
C-mon & Kypski a collabo between Nike SB and Dutch Band C-mon & Kypski is ready to launch across Asia n Europe. One of the main reasons why C-mon and Kypski was picked for this Sb drop are innovation, orginality n creativity, blending of styles, beats and more. They are well known in the dutch skateboard scene, and their music has been used in alot of skateboard videos but they have also been spinning records at skateboard contest.

they wanted to create a shoe that people that make music can relate to. the colour pattern on the shoe refers to the artwork on their lates album Where the wild things are.
ex: the music wave on the side of the shoe represents an actual song the band made for the release of the shoe, the track will be avalibe from june after the releas on www.c-monandkypski.com but you will find a link to the song on our blog when it arrives around june11th
so remeber, keep an eye out around the 11 for theese babies
C-mon & Kypski a collabo between Nike SB and Dutch Band C-mon & Kypski is ready to launch across Asia n Europe. One of the main reasons why C-mon and Kypski was picked for this Sb drop are innovation, orginality n creativity, blending of styles, beats and more. They are well known in the dutch skateboard scene, and their music has been used in alot of skateboard videos but they have also been spinning records at skateboard contest.

they wanted to create a shoe that people that make music can relate to. the colour pattern on the shoe refers to the artwork on their lates album Where the wild things are.
ex: the music wave on the side of the shoe represents an actual song the band made for the release of the shoe, the track will be avalibe from june after the releas on www.c-monandkypski.com but you will find a link to the song on our blog when it arrives around june11th
so remeber, keep an eye out around the 11 for theese babies