We are celebrating our sneaker store Six feet Down with 3 years !!
Just in time for this Celebration Nike asked us if we wanted to do a Nike Shop in Shop.
Well, you cant say no to that!!
Now its ready, they rebuilt the wall, corner,table and window to a mix of the iconic basket floor style and their Outdoor brand ACG!
The result of the work exceeds all expectaitions and we are more
than glad to welcome our custumers to our instore celebration tonight Thursday
Time: 18.00-21.00
There will be Cake and Celebration promotions!
For all you online customers that cant join us tonight, please check out the freshly re-launched "Sneakerstore by Caliroots" Shop online
Version 2.0 Baaby!!
Premiär ikväll för nya Nike Shop in Shopen på Regeringsgatan 77.
Vi firar 3 år som innerstan´s vassaste sneakerbutik.
Bra shopping erbjudanden och tårta!
18-21. ikväll Torsdag alltså.
Du behöver inte OSA.. men kom gärna i tid.. förra gången vi firade SFD butiken var det kö..
Välkommen gamla och nya kunder!!!
PS. Kolla in den nya Version 2.0 av vår Online Sneaker shop by Caliroots

This seasons ACG line is off the hook! Technical materials and constructions to withstand the toughest conditions, yet very easy to rock also for the inner city life style.
See all Nike ACG products at our webstore Caliroots.com